Thursday, June 4, 2015

Making this dream a reality....

Making A Dream A Reality...

My 90's blend cane Collections
My 90's blend cane Collections
I really don't think most people truly understand what it take to be a creative mind. It is draining!!! For me personally, when I reach my plateau of creative excellence; and I am just go, go, going...I hit a wall of exhaustion. I literally become limp afterwards. Being creative is a blessing. However, the reality of it is that for many people;  it takes a ton out of the person. It's almost like a Manic state. Your creative juices are flowing and you see everything so clearly. And then it happens; your mind body and soul reach their point of no return and your creative juices are gone. For me personally, I will go into a full blown creative fest for days and before I know it, I haven't eaten in days, sleep is something other people have time for, and lets be honest; I avoid passing in front of any Not so sexy, after a true on design fest hits me. The recovery time for me takes a minute. However, at the end of it all I am always elated at what I have created and some days I am like...Wow, did I really do this. And that feeling of true satisfaction, makes it all worth while.
Fashion has no gender. I design for everyone. There are No Limitations.
Fashion has no gender. I design for everyone. There are No Limitations.
Through this blog, my goal is to share with everyone my journey. I hope to be able to teach you everything I know about starting and running a corporation. And along the way, I hope to utilize any mistakes I do make {no one is perfect, we are just human} in order to helping others learn from my trials & errors; to make their journey just a little bit easier. And even if you are not an artist, I hope you can enjoy my stories and humour for your entertainment.
So, keep logging in to see what happens next.
Guidance & Wisdom,

What A Month I Am Having.

I am the type of person who is a bit of a control freak. However, I have learned that in order to be successful I must create a solid Team. So, that is exactly what I am doing but the hiccups are some days a bit over whelming. I have the ability to build a website (I’m not great but I can get by). So, I have been doing this and between my eldest daughter Gabby and myself; we finally created my logo.

Outsourcing is what has me going insane right now. Let’s be honest here. I am not some rich person sitting on a secret stash of money (although I wish I was….lol) So, I have to be a Realist!!! One thing I love about Marketing is the Barter system. Anyone who is trying to start a business knows it can be very costly to pay for anything really. A professional Photographer with a huge portfolio is great if you can afford it. I can’t!!! Instead, I seek out like minded people who are doing the same thing I am. Looking for a network of people to grow with. The fact is there are tons of great photographers, web designers & graphic artists out there.  But you have to find them. They are looking for projects that they can utilize to build their portfolios; so, it ends up being a win win situation for all persons involved. No money exchanges hands and we all walk aways satisfied. Now, here is the challenge FIND THEM!!! Personally, I have been luck enough to find a great local student photographer names Aaron Rosario. I was able to get started on my website properly once I had his photos to utilize. You can’t really show off or sell your creations or product; if no one can see them. Photography is a big part of what I am doing as a jewelry designer. I am also lucky enough to have my cousin- Elyse Cizek a fabulously talented model & make up artist, believe in me and agree to help me with more elaborate photography and modeling of my jewelry; she has has created what I am creating now- A Solid Networking Group of Talented People; who are willing to help each other.
Marketing is a huge part of any businesses annual income. We all need to use marketing avenues to have our product or services viewed by the masses. Henceforth, I advise everyone to take the time to find a good group of people looking to grow with others. I think this method is smart and cost saving to those who are just starting out.
Collavanni Designz are for Everyone.
It’s funny, a lot of people I know ask me why I am getting my bachelors degree in International Marketing now…in the mist of launching my business. Well, the truth is I started my working on my degree because I knew what the annual cost is to pay for a consultant & if I can reduce that large percentage of my annual business costs; then, Why not? I have always been someone who like to know how things work. So, for me this was a no brainer. One can never be to informed. And right now I just cant afford to pay a consultant. This  also sets me apart from a lot of other businesses because I am able to understand and avoid unnecessary costs. It just takes a bit of work and imagination to become successful.
So, as of today I am still looking for dedicated serious people to assist me with my web site & some graphic artist work. I can’t get discouraged just because one or two people did’t work out. I always view the glass has Half Full never Half Empty.  I have created a post seeking truly dedicated persons who would like to build their portfolio while working with me. So, lets see how that pans out. I have decided that I am not going to limit myself to people only in my area. We are in the era of cyber friends and businesses. Hence, I am going to put my fears aside and leap head first into this new age world of technology and what it has to offer.
I was lucky enough to be introduced to a lady names Renae Christine. She owns She has been a huge help and motivation for me. And despite how self driven I am; somedays you just need some outside inspiration telling you that the horizon is in sight!!!
Stay tune and lets see how this month comes together for Collavanni Designz, Inc.
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